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Dive deep into the technology powering public transit with our latest thoughts and ideas. We’re dedicated to providing you with valuable insights that challenge the status quo and offer new perspectives on how to effectively automate public transit operations with technology.
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Strategies for managing fare evasion, including how automated fare collection systems can help to minimize farebox revenue loss.
Fare capping policies can improve transit equity and increase ridership, powered by an automated fare collection system to make it user-friendly and enforceable.
Understand the role of a farebox in modern fare collection systems and how to approach purchasing and integrating one into your operations.
GTFS data is an unsung hero of modern public transit systems, offering a standard way to publish transit schedules and real-time data.
Explore the key technologies that create an effective automated fare collection system for a modern public transit service.
Discover how to conduct a penny test for automated fare collection systems, ensuring accuracy, scalability, and security.
Get our latest ideas and insights about how to effectively automate public transit operations with technology. We cut through the hype and buzzwords to dig deep into technologies and how they can modernize your transit operations. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.